
Enhance your current corporate innovation cycles by providing a snapshot of what’s happening out there.

Save time, take better decisions with our observatory service and actions towards building the right relationship in open innovation space. ​

A global innovation battlefield requires a radar of any initiative that matches your innovation challenges and areas of interest.

Innovation deal flow through startups have been increasing exponentially globally, technologies and customers are constantly changing our perception of the battlefield.

Identify corporate strategic and operational pains

Align challenges amongst multiple stakeholders and enrich them with external experts

Save time and money by making more efficient decisions for your business

Get personalized reports with unique insights from your industry


The Discovery service is composed by 3 individual modules. Each of them has its own inputs, outputs and benefits an can be contracted individually fitting in any corporate need.

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Discovery Radar

Be ahead and explore disruptive solutions in the limits of your business by monitoring disruptive startups, technologies and business models

Trends & Insights report

Prepare your teams for the future with reports about technologies, companies and trends for a better distributed decision making in your company

Entrepreneurship program

We create intrapreneurship and acceleration programs to help you attract talent, receive ideas and transform your culture

Get in touch!

For more information about Discovery, contact us here and talk to one of our experts about your specific business challenge.