JETRO 7, matchmaking taken to the next level
It’s nothing new that Peninsula regularly collaborates with JETRO to bring together entrepreneurial…
Public-Private company
Entrepreneurship Program
Project duration
3 years
The airport management company Aena has entered the world of open innovation launching Aena Ventures, a startup accelerator oriented to solve several challenges of the airport of the future, and Peninsula has worked with them during the whole first edition of the program.
With 69 airports worldwide and more than 335 million passengers a year, Aena is the 1st reference company in airport management in the world and, as such, it must be at the forefront of aviation innovation to offer its clients the best travel experience.
The 1st edition of the acceleration program has been a success, and our consultancy has given support to its development during the whole process, from the recruitment and selection of participants to the mentorship in the pilot execution and the celebration of the Demo Day before the company’s Steering Committee.
254 startup applications
5 participants
80% success in pilots
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Aiming to find new technologies to solve some needs in their procedures and improve the offered services, Aena opened the call with five corporate challenges in five different areas:
The call, opened internationally, wanted to solve these challenges through the execution of pilots that made it possible to test new solutions that could be implemented in the airport permanently, with contracts of up to €2 million.
In Peninsula we put into practice our experience in the startup ecosystem to help Aena with the definition of challenges and the selection of participants through an anonymised, very effective evaluation system. Once the program started, we organised the Welcome Week, mentored the teams in the development of their pilots and coordinated the actions during the program as well as the celebration of the Demo Day.
The first edition of this program was a complete success. From Aena and Peninsula we were very satisfied with the work done, and no wonder. The accelerated projects were able to refine their solutions in a real environment and they had a huge reception.
The fact that Aena had a pre-defined budget for the pilots development (€50k per challenge), together with an agile challenge detection methodology and a massive involvement with the startups by the Aena Ventures team, made the project very easy to execute, and with very positive results, getting closer and closer to the airport of the future.
Project Manager
Scouting Owner
An acceleration process can be everything your business needs. Are you interested?
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It’s nothing new that Peninsula regularly collaborates with JETRO to bring together entrepreneurial…
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